October 6th-7th Water DTU was hosting the 2nd Internal DTU Seminar. The focus of the seminar was creating stronger - or perhaps new collaborations between the younger researchers across all of DTU.
October 6th young researchers from the involved Water DTU departments was presenting their water related research. Hopefully new angles and possibilities was presented and was inspirationally to others. During the lunch break a Student project bazar was held, where the involved department gave examples of their possible student projects.
An IWA Young Water Professionals event was ending the day.
October 7th was a day with refinement of topics earlier launched in Water DTU - Water research course packages across all of DTU and Project opportunities.
Participation in the Student Project Bazar during the lunch break of the first day was free of charge, and no registration was needed for this – you just needed to bring your own lunch. The other events required registration.
Participation in the whole seminar the first day, including the three scientific sessions and including lunch, was 150 DKK. Participation in the IWA Young Water Professional’s event on the first day’s afternoon and in the second day’s meeting was free of charge.