
Photo: Colourbox
23 OCT

World Congress emphasizes DTU’s position in water research

DTU is home to Denmark’s largest research and educational environment in the field of water technology. This has been a contributing factor in the decision to allow Denmark...

Climate adaptation Waste water and water discharge Water supply Environment and pollution
"Water for smart livable cities" bliver overskriften på verdenskongressen i 2020. Foto: Colourbox
13 OCT

Verdenskongres cementerer DTU’s position i vandforskning

DTU rummer Danmarks største forsknings- og uddannelsesmiljø inden for vandteknologi. Det har medvirket til, at Danmark bliver vært for verdenskongressen World Water Congress...

Climate adaptation Waste water and water discharge Water supply Environment and pollution
View from Tokyo Tower. Photo: Colourbox
07 OCT

Water poses challenge to major cities

Too much water, too little water, or contaminated water. Cities around the world are facing major water-related challenges. These challenges are further aggravated by...

Environment and pollution Climate adaptation Waste water and water discharge Water supply
Udsigt fra Tokyo Tower. Foto: Colourbox
22 SEP

Vand udfordrer storbyerne

For meget vand, for lidt vand eller forurenet vand. Storbyer verden over oplever store udfordringer på vandområdet. Udfordringerne er forstærket af globale tendenser som...

Environment and pollution Climate adaptation Waste water and water discharge Water supply

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24 APRIL 2024